• The vaccine is given to the elderly who were inoculated over six months ago

Valencia Comunidad Department of Health has begun to administer a the third dose of the vaccine against covid in residences in the Valencian Community. At this stage the only people receiving a booster are those elderly residents who have been vaccinated more than six months ago, “therefore, the majority of residents will not receive this new dose”, according to the Business Association of Residences and Services for Dependent People. (AERTE).

The employer’s association has positively valued that this new vaccination will strengthen the immune system of the more than 21,000 people currently resident in this type of centre, substantially increasing their protection against the covid.

The vaccination program will be carried out in collaboration with residential centres, and with the support of the Primary Care network of the Conselleria de Sanidad.

Aerte has asked the Ministry of Health to also include people cared for in day centres, sheltered homes and by home help services to reinforce the immunity of the most vulnerable, regardless of the service they receive, “although for now this option it has been rejected by the Ministry “.