In most cases, employers are concerned with lost profits and productivity and injuries and fatalities that their employees may cause. Employee morale, turnover, and the overall amount of time employees have to be away from work due to drug abuse are negatively affected by this policy. Bothersome physical and behavioral signs should catch the attention of employers. 

Reduced motivation and energy and increased irritability are other changes in behaviors frequently observed in employees who are addicted. If unexplained absences and frequent sick days occur due to substance abuse, employers must exercise caution not to violate an employee’s medical privacy or discriminate. During job assessments, prospective employers may require drug tests and assist the employee during their recovery.

With that being said, should you hire recovering addicts? This is the common concern of people going through treatments and therapies in drug rehabilitation centers; they worry about not going back to work or finding a job after their drug addiction recovery. 

However, Jason Shiers said, “The chance to re-establish relationships and a life of happiness is never wasted. In fact, people who find themselves in such a situation usually recognise how important it is to ask for help and repair the damages caused by addiction.” Wide World Coaching carefully guides people who are on their way to recovery from addiction, either from drugs or alcohol, because they are prone to sinking into depression because of anxiety brought by the possibility of not getting their jobs back after recovery.  

A person who is in the stage of recovery from drug or alcohol addiction may find it hard to look for employment, as their resumes may reflect a gap or have likely been unemployed because of their addiction. However, there are still employment opportunities after rehabilitation or treatment, such as the following:

Treatment and Recovery Assistant

Venturing into assisting people in the recovery phase is one of the best opportunities for people who have gone through successful rehabilitation and treatments; simply because they have experienced the struggles brought by addiction and its aftermath.

Manual Labour 

After recovery, some people have chosen to shift to manual labor while still in their journey of rebuilding their lost physical and mental endurance because of addiction. In addition, manual labor is observed to be more welcoming to people who have gone through rehabilitation and drug or alcohol addiction treatments.

Part-time Employment

It is ideal for those who have recently recovered or are still recovering that it is perfect to go for a part-time job. These types of jobs are less stressful compared to regular office jobs. Reducing the amount of stress can help these people from reliving the idea of taking drugs or alcohol to numb their emotions.

In conclusion, the realization of recovery from drug or alcohol addiction may come with quite a dreadful struggle. Still, these challenges are lessened if a person is getting the right help and information. An individual may have a severe addiction if the drug or alcohol use negatively affects the job. Poor performance at work, regardless of the reason, can lead to termination. Many famous high-functioning addicts throughout history have been unable to control their addiction.

Treatment providers can assist in getting started on the path to a happy, sober, and secure life. The effect of each substance on the body is unique, and treatment can be helpful for each individual. At the end of the day, an employer should prioritize the overall safety of its employees and contingency of operations; if these things will be affected because of drug or alcohol addiction resulting in negligence of duties, then hiring recovering addicts is not feasible.