Costa Blanca

Pink Ladies Office Closure

The Pink Ladies office at Flamenca Beach C.C. is currently out of use. For the past few months the back of the office has been...

Free AP-7 toll demanded while new CV-95 bridge is built

The Neighbourhood Association of "San Miguel Arcángel" has submitted a proposal to the San Miguel council and the Generalitat to reduce traffic problems that...

A voice for the rights of all.

Dear friends and neighbours of the municipality of Orihuela, we at PIOC extend a hand of friendship to you all, we are not your...

Action Stores Spreading Through Alicante to the Orihuela Costa

You may have noticed a new store brand popping up in the area, although some think it is a gym on account of the...

Torrevieja Natural Park Digital Twin Asking for Your Help

Protected Natural Spaces are ecosystems with great ecological and socioeconomic value, but they are also especially vulnerable to climatic and anthropogenic pressures. Vulnerability and complexity forces the development of sustainable tourism models. To this end, the Chan-Twin project is being developed, the digital twin of the natural park of the Torrevieja and La Mata lagoons. …

This Is Torrevieja - Torrevieja news and events


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