By Andrew Atkinson

Following the surge in mosquitoes in Torrevieja 100 people in the city have declared that they will take action against the council – if no remedy is forthcoming.

The Leader highlighted residents concerns over plagues of mosquitoes this month that lead to the authorities spraying disinfection in many areas – including all Infant schools.

However residents have submitted a formal complaint to the town hall, allegedly threatening to take further action if nothing is done.

Torrevieja has been plagued with mosquitoes within the salt lake vicinity with residents calling to fumigate the entire area, due to many voicing they cannot go outdoors in fear of being bitten.

Areas that are plagued include Las Torretas I, II and III, Torreta Florida, Lago Jardín, Los Balcones, La Siesta and Aguas Nuevas.

Complaints have been filed for over two months and now some residents plan to protest outside Torrevieja town hall.

Ongoing defumigations of larvicide spraying have taken place by the authority, including marsh areas where mosquitos breed, along c/ Chiva, Services area, c/ Juan Valera, c/ Otelo, c/ Urbano Arregui, c/ Emilia Pardo Bazan, Torreta III, El Salado; c/ Miguel Angel, c/ Rembrant, c/ Salvador dali, c/ Leonardo da vínci, c/ Fray Angelico, Auditorio, Ceip Acequion, Parque Estación, Islas Canarias, Minigolf, Colegio Las Culturas and surrounding Torrevigia Green zones.

Torrevieja sanitation department was active on June 11 in public areas treated: c / Enol (Los Balcones), c / Banyoles (Los Balcones),  c / Urbano Arregui (Acequión), c / Bergantín Christopher Columbus Square. Turret III Zones: c / del Invierno, c / Manolete, c / Manuel Rodriguez, c / Santa Cruz, Avda Francia, c / Benacantil.

Green areas of La Mata: c / Vicente Aleixandre, Plaza de Oriente, Nations Park, Doña Sinforisa Park, Freedom Walk, Castelar Square, Playa de los Náufragos area, c / Maestro Quino, c / Dalias; La Loma Health Centre Area.

“We have undertaken spraying across all of the said areas. The pest team cannot carry out treatments in a private area,” said a spokesperson.

Caption: Spraying of mosquitoes swarms in Torrevieja.