Garden Felix

The Marguerite Daisy are excellent long blooming plants, that bloom freely, flowering heavily from late spring until early autumn.

Popular for their spectacular show of delicate showy daisy-like flower – that make great cut flowers for a summer bouquet.

They typically produce white very fragrant flowers, along with yellow or pink flower heads that will attract bees, butterflies and pollinators into your garden.

This shrubby perennial Canary Islands native is also known as the Canary margueri.

Marguerite daisies love the sun and thrive under full sun, but the optimal growing conditions are under cooler temperatures.

They may stop flowering when summer temperatures rise above 70° F, so plant wisely.

Water regular during the growing seasons, and you may need to increase the frequency during the dry summer months.

Be careful of overwatering, as too much water increases the plant’s susceptibility to root rot, mildew and mold.

Marguerite plants may require a monthly application of all-purpose liquid fertilizer, if planted in containers.

The beautiful marguerite daisies are not too fussy when it comes to soil, providing it has good drainage.

To encourage a compact growth, pinch out the tips when they begin appearing in early spring. After seasonal blooming, deadhead and prune back dying flowers and foliage.

Propagtion is by either taking cuttings, or division of the plant in spring to mid-summer time.