IF you’re looking for a garden flower – with elegant show appeal – Hydrangea flowers are truly stunning, which can reach 15ft high and fill a space in one summer.

With large globes of flowers that cover the shrub, flowering from spring, summer and into early autumn, that make excellent cut-flowers.

With the right conditions and care, hydrangeas are easy to grow, with Autumn the best season to plant, followed by early spring, which gives the shrub plenty of time to establish a healthy root system, prior starting to bloom.

Plant hydrangeas in a sheltered location, with sunny mornings and shady afternoons. They will not bloom in heavy shade.

Hydrangeas grow well in soil, containing an abundance of organic material. Good drainage is vital.

Whilst they like moist soil, they cannot tolerate being waterlogged, as soggy, poor draining soil can cause root-rot.

Controlling the soil pH conditions will change the colour of the blooms, from clear blue, vibrant pink, frosty white, lavender, and rose.

A weekly fertiliser, before blooming season, will ensure that you get a long blooming season. Deadhead to keep it blooming into early autumn and simply remove any dead wood.