What are 10 reasons your website can have a high bounce rate? Well, that’s what we intend to address in this piece. But just what’s a bounce rate? It refers to the number of people that go back to the referring website or search results after viewing just one page of your website.
For most websites, the bounce rate is between 26 percent and 70 percent. Lower than 25 percent or higher than 70 percent bounce rates are considered too low and could indicate a problem with your website. The ideal bounce rates for online trading websites range from 25 percent to 70 percent. Here are reasons your website could be having a high bounce rate:
1. Your Pages Are Slow-To-Load
If your website loads slowly, it may not rank favorably in Google search results. Like other search engines, Google intentionally promotes sites that give their visitors great user experience. Most customers are not patient enough to wait for a page that takes too long to load. So boost this aspect and your bounce rates will greatly be diminished.
2. Self-Sufficient Content
It is possible that you have provided your visitors with everything they are looking for on a single page. Maybe, the lead form on your landing page is too short that users take the least time to fill it. Through Google analytics, you will be able to learn whether the visitors take a few minutes or bounce off your site as soon as they land. If they take longer, that’s a good sign.
3. Contribution by the Pages Is Disproportionate
This isn’t a bad thing, especially if visitors bounce off certain landing pages after their intent has been satisfied compared to the long form pages. Find out these disparities using Google Analytics and remove the pages that could be skewing the results.
4. Misleading Meta Description and Meta Title
The purpose of a Meta title and Meta description is to summarize the content on your page. Make sure that what these summaries provide is what your page is about. If visitors reach your page and find it is totally different from what they expected, then they will obviously bounce off. This calls for adjusting your Meta title and Meta description or reviewing the content of your site.
5. Technical Error or Blank Page
Blank pages or 404 errors could be the reason for high bounce rates for online trading websites. Why would anyone want to spend time on a page that can’t load properly? It could be as a result of the browsers your audiences are using. Once you know what the issue is, correct it.
6. Bad External Backlinks
Could you be getting high bounce rates due to misleading anchor text in referral sites? Perhaps the copywriting used isn’t up to speed. Maybe the link was placed at the wrong part of copy or was done unintentionally. To correct the situation, reach out to the author, editor, and webmaster of the site concerned and ask for corrections to be made.
7. Single-Page Site or Affiliate Landing Page
Quickly sending people from the site is the sole purpose of an affiliate website. If people are bouncing off quickly, you are definitely doing great. That’s also true for online trading websites with only one page. Where else do you expect users to go when they have seen all there is to your site.
8. Under-Optimized or Low-Quality Content
If you have less than average content, your bounce rates will definitely be high. Where you are unable to flag out the issues in your content, ask a copywriting or marketing professional to help you review it. It could be that your sentences are too simple, the content is too scan-able with many headers or you haven’t included any images.
9. Bad UX
If your website has too many call-to-action (CTA) features such as email subscribe, pop-up surveys, and ads, then the bounce rate will be high. Remove the confusion from your site by reducing these features and including a search box. If anything, online trading websites need to meet the needs of the users.
10. Poor Implementation of Google Analytics
Failure to properly implement Google Analytics and add tracking codes to all of your pages could cost you in terms of bounce rates. But you can learn how to fix it from Google.
To decrease your website’s bounce rates, you need to take the suggestions given here with the seriousness it deserves. With time, you will read the results.