In preparation for the 2019 RAY SCOTT ART COMPETITION we are calling all Artists to come and talk to Iain Alexander famous artist who sells his paintings for thousands! Iain has offered to hold an open talk about art in general for anyone who is interested.

His mother Vivienne Shepherd, is the owner of Quesada Gym and Vivienne was one of the business sponsors for the 2017 and 2018 Ray Scott Art Competition and Exhibition. The talk will be question and answer based and will be held in Quesada Gym on Tuesday 8th January starting at 2.00p.m.

There is no charge to come along, Iain has come up with some ideas that might help some artists if they would like to sell some of their work in the future. Vivienne says he’s had some great ideas to encourage more of a “Culture Club” and Iain also invites each artist to bring along an example of their own work.

If you would like to find out more about Iain and his Art you can look him up through Google under Iain Alexander Artist. It would be helpful if you could let me know by email to if you would like to come along on Tuesday 8th January at 2.00p.m. (finish time will be approximately 4.00p.m.)