Last Saturday we celebrated our monthly Open Day at La Serena our home course with almost 60 competitors.  We would like to thank all the staff at La Serena for their support and help with all our tournaments. Thank you to Camillus and Philip who merit a special mention for their organisation of our monthly opens and as usual had the event running smoothly.

Can I remind our members especially our prize winners that we hold our monthly presentation of all prizes at each of the Open Days for that months’ competitions. Our captain Alisdair McLean was at hand to present the monthly prizes, Alisdair presented his vice-captain Terry Fitzgerald to assembled players and guests.  The winners as follows; Medal results, Category 1 Andy Currie 70.  Category 2 Nuala McEnery 74.   As we had two blank weekends with The International League and the Evolve Tour we only had one weekly competition, winners were, James McEnery 36 points, 2nd William Thomson 34 points and 3rd Pauvla Serakova 33points.

The results of the Open Day were; In the visitors’ section, we had one prize winner, Heather Blemings with 43 points.  NTP’s, Dave Mullett, Steve Powell, Mike Sephton, Mark Brailey, Janet Bryan and Tony Head.  Category III, winner Kevin McBride 39, 2nd Mike Sephton 37 and 3rd Janet Bryan 37. Category II, winner Alan Proudfoot 38, 2nd Pauvla Serakova 38 and 3rd Jan Jenkins 37.  Category I, winner Camillus Fitzpatrick 37, 2nd John O’Brien 36 and 3rd Tony Head 36.  Second over-all went to Thomas McEwan, he of the doubting (Thomas) nature with 40 points and the winner on the day was Trevor Austin our own bionic man on 41 points. 

Congratulations again to all those who participated and well done to all the prize winners.  A special thank you to all those who stayed for the presentation, it is a nice acknowledgement of your fellow competitors and of all the hard work that goes on behind the scenes.  As our tournament suggests Open Day, you are more than welcome to come along and play in our tournament as a guest.

We always welcome new members and guests and if you would like to play in one of our Open Days or join or club why not give me a call?  For further details on membership call 615466398 or e-mail