Last Saturday we celebrated our July Open Day for 2016 at La Serena.  Conditions were extremely hot for golf with glorious sunshine and very high humidity.  The weather did not pose a problem for one or two of our players as the scores will attest to.  We must thank again the hard working green-keeping staff under the guidance of Wayne the head green keeper for the fine condition of the course.

As always the marshalls and clubhouse staff of John and Jose looked after all our needs and we were set for a great day of golf.  The competitions committee under the guidance of Camillus and ably assisted by Philip, Andy and Alisdair have everything running like clockwork, well done Cam and co.

Our captain Bev Ellender was at hand to present our monthly prizes and the lucky winners were as follows; in our Crystal events, we had week one Winner Denis McCormack with 34 points and second Michael Banfield 34 and third Jane Jenkins 33.  Week two, winner Wayne Leivars 41 points, second Liam Powell 40points and third Camillus Fitzpatrick with 39.  Our monthly medal winners were, Cat II, Gordon McCadden with 73 and Category I, Dave Cosson with a 69.

Down to the results on the day; NTP’s Pat Coyne, Dave Mullet, Liam Powell, Colin Soones, Camillus Fitzpatrick and Terry Fitzgerald.  Category III, winner Julian Lopez 38, second Roger Tunstall with 36 and third Kevin McBride with 36. Category II, winner Alisdair McLean 34, second Darren Holden 33, and third Gary Hall 33.  Category I, winner Andy Currie with 38 points, second Terry Fitzgerald 37 and third Camillus Fitzpatrick 36.  Second over-all went to Pat Coyne with 42 points and the overall winner and very much in form Liam Powell with 44 who had a handicap cut of 2 full shots.

We always welcome new members and guests and if you would like to play in one of our Open Days why not give me a call?  For further details on membership contact 615466398 or e-mail