By Andrew Atkinson

The outgoing reign of Los Montesinos 2018 Fiestas Patronales Adriana, Marietta, Abril, María Eulalia, Carlota, Carmen, Isabel, Trinidad and Celestina will take place on Saturday.

“I thank very much the nine for their participation and involvement, and also their families, throughout the year,” Los Montesinos Mayor Jose Manuel Butron told me.

The act of Crowning and Proclamation of Queens and Maids of the Patron Saint Festivities 2019 will take place on Saturday October 5 evening, followed by a performance by singer Javier Ros at the Plaza Sagrado Corazon.

“It has been a fantastic period and following the outgoing reign of Los Montesinos 2018 Fiestas Patronales we hope they will remember their best memories of this magical year,” said Mayor Butron.

On Friday October 11 at 6.30pm the offering of flowers to patron Saint Virgen del Pilar will be made to all children born during the year.

In the evening of October 11 a performance of the Orchestra Etiqueta Show will take place at the Plaza Sagrado Corazon at 11pm.

The Los Montesinos 2019 Fiestas Patronales takes place during September 29-October 13.